Type 98 Ke-Ni

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Type 98 Ke-Ni
Type 98 Ke-Ni
Type: Light Tank
Owner: Japan
Manufacturer: Hino Motors
Year: 1938
Length: 4.1 m
Width: 2.1 m
Height: 1.8 m
Weight: 7.2 t
Armour: 16 mm
Speed: 50 km/h
Primary Weapon: 37 mm Type 100
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The Type 98 Ke-Ni was designed to replace the Type 95 Ha-Go, the first prototype was ready in 1939 however the Ha-Go was still proving effective against the Chinese army so interest was lost. By 1941 the Ha-Go was showing its age as it was unable to to effectively deal with the America forces it encountered in the pacific so interest in the Ke-Ni was reignited with production starting in 1942. However like many Japanese tanks of that time production was slow due to lack of resources and by the end of the war in 1945 only a hundred had be made.

See also


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Time Frames
1930 - 1940:
1940 - 1942:
1942 - 1944:
1944 - 1945:
1945 - 1960:
1930 - 1960:
Buildable Yes
Bonus Crate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
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Anti-Tank: Type 1 47mm, Type 90 75mm, Type 5 105mm, M40 106mm
Anti-Aircraft: Type 96 25mm, Type 99 88mm, Type 5 150mm, Bofors 40mm L/70
Artillery: Type 91 105mm, Type 96 150mm, Type 4 40cm, M1A1 155mm
Ground Vehicles
Construction/Supply: Type 4 Chi-So, Isuzu Type 97, Nissan Type 180, Toyota Su-Ki
Transport: Isuzu Type 94, Type 95 Kurogane, Type 98 So-Da, Type 1 Ho-Ha, Type 1 Ho-Ki, Type SU 60
Armoured Car: Type 92 Osaka, Toyota J40
Tankette: Type 92, Type 94 TK, Type 97 Te-Ke
Light Tank: Ko-Gata, Otsu-Gata, Type 95 Ha-Go, Type 3 Ke-Ri, Type 4 Ke-Nu, Type 98 Ke-Ni, Type 98B Ke-Ni Otsu, Type 98 Ke-Ni Kai, Type 2 Ke-To, Type 5 Ke-Ho
Medium Tank: Type 89 I-Go, Type 97 Chi-Ni, Type 97 Chi-Ha, Type 98 Chi-Ho, Type 97 Chi-Ha "Shinhoto", Type 1 Chi-He, Type 3 Chi-Nu, Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai, Type 4 Chi-To (Prototype), Type 4 Chi-To, Type 5 Chi-Ri (Plan 1), Type 5 Chi-Ri, Type 5 Chi-Ri (TRI), Type 5 Chi-Ri (MHI), Type 5 Chi-Ri II, STA-1, STA-2, STA-3, Type 61, STB-1
Heavy Tank: Ishi-108, Type 91, Type 95, Aichi-96, Type 97, Mitsu 104, Mi-To, Type 100 O-I, Type 120 O-I, Type 2604, Type 4 Tiger
Anti-Aircraft: Type 94 20mm AA, Type 98 Ta-Se, Type 98 Ta-Se II, Type 2 Ta-Ha, M42 Duster
Tank Destroyer: Type 1 Ho-Ni I, Type 3 Ho-Ni III, Type 5 Ho-Ru, Type 5 Ho-Ri (Concept), Type 5 Ho-Ri, Type 5 Ho-Ri II, Type 5 Chi-Ri II TD, Type 5 Na-To, Type 5 Ka-To, Type 60
Support: Type 2 Ho-I, Type 5 Ku-Se, 120mm Short, 120mm Long
Artillery: Jiro-Sha, Type 100 Te-Re, Type 1 Ho-Ni II, Type 4 Ho-To, Type 4 Ho-Ro, Type 4 Ha-To, Type 5 Ho-Chi, Type SY 56, Type SX 60, Type 67
Flame/Chem Tank: Type 94 Ko-Go
Repair Vehicle: Se-Ri
Amphibious: Type 92 A-I-Go, SR I-Go, SR Ro-Go, Type 2 Ka-Mi, Type 3 Ka-Chi, Type 4 Ka-Tsu, Type 5 To-Ku
Other: Type 97 Ka-Ha, Type 97 Shi-Ki
Fighter: Ki-27, A6M2 Zero, A6M5 Zero, Ki-43 Hayabusa, Ki-61 Hien, Ki-84 Hayate, Ki-100, J7W1 Shinden, J7W2 Shinden-Kai, Ki-201 Karyu, Katsuodori, F-86 Kyokukō
Ground Attack: Ki-32, Ki-51, Ki-98, Ki-102, Ki-115 Tsurugi, Kikka, T-1 Hatsutaka
Bomber: Ki-21, Ki-48 Sokei, Ki-49 Donryu, Ki-67 Hiryu, R2Y1 Keiun, R2Y2 Keiun-Kai, G10N1 Fugaku, Kawasaki P-2J
Transport: Ki-57, G4M, Ki-105 Otori
Other: Fu-Go, MXY7 Ohka
Cruiser/Battleship: Yamato
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